Innovation in culvert rehabilitation: Trenchless technology
We’ve recently delivered various projects appraising bridges and culverts, delivering solutions that will significantly extend the life of assets. By providing specialist advice in rehabilitation and strengthening, we’re able to deliver significant cost savings for our clients whilst ensuring the lifecycle of the asset remains for the next 30+ years.
There are various methods for strengthening and rehabilitation that have been developed over the past 20 years. To select the most suitable option, we would undertake a comprehensive inspection of the asset coupled with a detailed assessment to provide the most deliver the most suited outcome.
The method of rehabilitation will depend on numerous factors, including:
The current state of the base infrastructure, bridge, host pipe or culvert.
- This includes Hydraulic requirements of the pipe – Maximising the cross-sectional area of the culvert is essential. It is not about superior flow characteristics as improving the manning value is quite important as well. Some rehabilitation techniques may require installing additional pipes to reduce the risk of afflux.
- Site logistics and conditions. A condition such as water flow, soil characteristics, and accessibility, amongst others, have a significant impact on the decision-making process. Soil contaminants may also eliminate some lining materials from consideration.
Environmental considerations
The regulations from the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries are very strict concerning site impact on endangered flora and fauna. This could pose restrictions on both size and type of operation that can be deployed on-site. Land + mangrove clearing, sediment control, and re-vegetation are vital issues to be considered.