Doing Things Right or Doing the Right Things?

Alan Hoban, Principal Environmental Engineer, presented the ‘best paper’ at the Stormwater Industry Association of Queensland (SIAQ) annual conference earlier this month. The paper, “Doing things right or doing the right things?” looked at the economics of erosion and sediment control and stormwater quality management and encouraged a stronger emphasis on the ‘urban design’ aspects of water sensitive urban design.
Our relationship with the SIAQ has provided numerous other opportunities to present at branch meetings and annual conferences. Chris Tanner gave a talk at this year’s conference about one of Bligh Tanner’s key stormwater harvesting projects titled “Stormwater Harvesting, ULDA – Raising the Bar at Fitzgibbon”. South Bank Rain Bank, an important stormwater harvesting project, was the topic of a talk given by David Hamlyn-Harris at an SIAQ branch meeting earlier this year. David is a regular industry lecturer to third year environmental engineering students at Griffith University. He also speaks at water industry conferences, and this year presented a stormwater harvesting workshop at Ozwater ’12 in Sydney (workshop organised by the Urban Water Security Research Alliance).
The expertise of our structural engineering team is highly valued by the architecture industry. Rod Bligh is an Adjunct Teaching Fellow this semester at Bond University’s Institute of Sustainable Development and Architecture, while Paul Callum is a regular tutor at QUT’s School of Architecture and recently gave a Safety in Design presentation to the Institute of Architects.
Environmental planning is essential in the development of sustainable communities and Chris Tanner, Director and Principal Environmental Planning Engineer, has extensive experience in this field. Chris presented a paper to the Australian Institute of Architects Sustainable Communities Dialogue 2012 on June 14 titled “The Water Cycle” that explored sustainable solutions for treatment, storage and use of water. Alan Hoban has also been working as a sessional academic with QUT’s landscape architecture students on a coastal resilience studio.