One year later, big things are happening at Small Creek

This week marks one year since the “Design Your Creek Week” kick off, where community, Council and consultants came together in a unique co-design process to create Big Plans for Small Creek. This week also marks the eagerly awaited first week of on-site construction for this 1.6 km award-winning creek renewal project. For Bligh Tanner Director, Alan Hoban, this project is a rare opportunity to make a lasting difference in the city of Ipswich, “as part of a global movement to reconnect our waterways”.
The project has been launched by Ipswich Mayor Andrew Antoniolli, who shares in the community’s excitement to see this space returned to its former glory.
You can also look through some of the project history by searching Instagram and Twitter using the hashtag #smallcreekipswich or #creekweekipswich
We wait with eager anticipation to watch the first stage of construction unfold over the coming months.
Project Partners:
Ipswich City Council
Australian Wetlands Consulting