New people and ideas: Introducing Mem, Stacey and Leroy

Bligh Tanner is pleased to announce the welcoming of new team members Mehmet Altun, Stacey Klein and Leroy Yeow – these talented individuals have joined us in a range of roles across the business and we are looking forward to watching them grow with Bligh Tanner over the coming years.
+ Meet Mem Altun
What project have you worked on in your career that has provided the most professional satisfaction and why?
A project that has delivered immense professional satisfaction is the The Royal Opera House Open Up Project (UK), where I acted as Structural Lead. One of the biggest challenges was the logistic complexity of creating a new space whilst the building remained in operation. Our design team worked together closely with the construction team to ensure minimal impact on the operation of the Opera House, so no single rehearsal or main auditorium performance was missed. I feel very lucky to have met and worked with the very creative people (and artists) who were a part of the project team. Together we achieved what I believe is an incredible outcome for the end users. Here is a link to the project if you would like to check it out.
What brought you to Bligh Tanner and how has your first month been?
I knew Bligh Tanner as a very reputable consultant that’s involved in interesting and challenging projects. I have always been keen to be a part of their team.
What is the best career lesson you’ve learned so far?
Throughout my career I’ve worked with many designers to resolve troubled designs and projects, I have been very fortunate to learn what not to do from others mistakes. Always ask for help if you are not sure how to complete the work, and don’t be afraid to ask questions if things don’t look right or make sense.
If you had one tip for young engineers looking to develop a career similar to yours what would it be?
Always perform simple hand calculations to verify your analysis model and design. Don’t be shy, ask as many questions as possible until you understood.
+ Meet Stacey Klein
What brought you to Bligh Tanner and how has your first month been?
I was drawn to the company by the interesting types of projects that Bligh Tanner work on. Unfortunately, I am unable to share details of my first project here at Blight Tanner as it is confidential but let’s just say sure is a unique project!
What is the best career lesson you’ve learned so far?
Work life balance is very important, don’t sweat the small stuff.
If you had one tip for young engineers looking to develop a career similar to yours, what would it be?
I am still a young engineer, aren’t I?
I am still a young engineer, aren’t I? I think it’s important to remember that nobody knows everything so there is no shame in admitting you need help, this is how you learn after all. It’s also important to build relationships both internally and external and enjoy the chaotic journey that is Engineering.
+ Meet Leroy Yeow
What project have you worked on in your career that has provided the most professional satisfaction and why?
I’m thankful to be able to work on the recent Sydney Opera House, Concert Hall Redevelopment (pictured) as one of the main design engineers.
One of the main features included a moveable artwork structure that had a complex geometry that would also serve as an acoustic panel. The structure was designed as a fibre reinforced composite polymer structure so that we could achieve a cost effective solution that would accommodate the complex geometry of the surfaces on the structure as well as meet the lightweight criteria for the project. It was a great experience being able to collaborate with a wide range of different professionals throughout. It’s not every day you get to visit the Opera House and witness how they run their performances as part of your investigative work.
What brought you to Bligh Tanner and how has your first month been?
From what I knew outside looking in, Bligh Tanner had a great reputation for being a very innovative and client focused engineering practice that also had a very talented and capable team. I’m grateful that Bligh Tanner has been able to provide a platform for me to further grow and develop as an engineer within a supportive yet ambitious environment.
What is the best career lesson you’ve learned so far?
I’ve learnt that no one is beyond making a mistake and it’s so important to be accountable for our engineering designs.
If you had one tip for young engineers looking to develop a career similar to yours what would it be?
Remain humble and take every opportunity to learn a new skill (don’t get discouraged by small tasks). Always be open to approaching a problem from a different perspective and be willing to learn from others.