Important changes with Unity Water – water and sewerage connection approvals

Unitywater has streamlined the way it manages connection applications, giving developers greater control over the time and cost of connecting to the water and sewerage networks.
Since the introduction of the Unitywater Accreditation and Certification (A&C) System in 2017, Unitywater is happy to advise the average connection approval time has fallen from up to 50 business days down to 10 business days.
To speed up connection approvals, Unitywater now uses Accredited Entities and Registered Certifiers to assess applications to connect developments to their water and sewerage network.
We are pleased to advise that Bligh Tanner has undertaken the training and we are an official Accredited Entity with Registered Certifiers within our team ready to support you.
For assistance with your water and sewerage connection approval, please contact us today.