Bligh Tanner 2021 – Year in Review

As we bid farewell to 2021, Bligh Tanner reflects on a fulfilling year. Sharing the year’s accomplishments and triumphs, the Directors + Leadership Team share their thoughts with appreciation to everyone that made this year possible:
Cameron Riach ‘A remarkable year in many ways, with client focused service and project delivery leading to exciting new project opportunities and new clients. The strong forward workload is a credit to each and every member of the Bligh Tanner team, not to mention the great support from the Bligh Tanner families behind the team, who make this all possible.’
Paul Callum remarks on the growth and success of Sydney. ‘ Sydney has been successful beyond expectation, especially considering the constraints of COVID, this is no doubt down to Nathan and Tim’s leadership’
Kimberley Alford ‘I’ve taken great pride in seeing our team grow, our clients continue to return and our brand remaining strong. We have no signs of slowing down for 2022 and I’m looking forward to watching all we can achieve both here and in Sydney.’
Nathan Scott ‘The thing that has struck me most about this year is how much we have grown, and this has given me immense satisfaction. I have enjoyed seeing our staff grow: both in numbers and personal maturity. The greatest satisfaction has come from seeing our new staff settle in to the BT family and make it their own, and our more seasoned staff members step up to take on new challenges with courage and a commitment to supporting each other and our clients.’
What happened at Bligh Tanner throughout 2021?
Look below for a review of some of this year’s highlights.
We wish to thank our clients, collaborators and consultants for a tremendous year and hope that you have a relaxing break ready for a rewarding 2022.